Our Program
This program is a special program that focuses on the religious field in order to build a religious generation. Each student has daily, weekly, monthly, and annual worship targets. At graduation, students are targeted to complete memorization of the 28th, 29th and 30th juz of the Quran.
One of the efforts to prepare students for college is to guide them to plan their lives. Each of their life plans will be contained in a journal called My Personal Timeline (MPT). One of the things planned in MPT is learning activities. Learning activities at SMA Tunas Unggul are designed using the Block System. Block System is made by grouping subjects in certain packages.
The aim is to facilitate students in the learning process so that they can achieve maximum results. The expected results will be more optimal because at the beginning of each learning package always begins with matriculation and student self-development which will be a provision in going through the entire series of activities in the package. The activity is called the Tunas Unggul Great Opportunity (TUGO) program. This program is about the world of higher education (colleges, universities, institutes, or high schools) both at home and abroad so that they can see, find uniqueness, and compare each institution. The main target is that students can start sorting and choosing what majors are most appropriate according to their interests and talents.
Each student’s ability varies both academically and non-academically. So that in learning there are times when students exceed the target quickly and some still have to struggle in achieving the targets set in MPT. We strive to help them optimize all their potential through Acceleration and Enrichment programs.
TUBE (Tunas Unggul Bright Experience)
In developing students’ skills both in terms of soft skills and interests and talents, the Student Council of SMA TU under the name SATU (Students Association of SMA Tunas Unggul) collaborates to create the TUBE (Tunas Unggul Bright Experience) program in which students show their work and hold various other activities.
This program is a special program to answer the challenges of the international world. The needs of students in communicating with English are accommodated in this program through a routine program in the form of special hours of English learning outside the curriculum structure, namely the English Development Program as well as English Day.
This program was created as a forum for all students to develop their potential. In this program, there is also a special program for students who have learning obstacles or barriers so that students can find solutions to overcome these obstacles. This program also accommodates students with special needs to get an individualized learning program so that students can develop optimally according to their potential.