SMA Tunas Unggul was established as a response to the community’s desire for the need for continuous education from the pre-existing levels, namely PG, Kindergarten, Elementary, and Junior High School which are considered to have succeeded in delivering students to obtain the expected achievements. SMA Tunas Unggul develops programs to prepare the next generation of the nation who are able to design the future creatively and become a solution to any problems that exist around them.

Building spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually superior students who are able to adapt in a global environment.
Why SMA Tunas Unggul ?
“Students become the best human beings because they carry the mission of solving the problems around them by first causing their own problems.“
Together prepare the individual for life readiness and professional readiness
We have complete and representative supporting facilities, principals and teachers who are selected, experienced and competent in their fields. The learning process is balanced and optimized between spiritual, character, cognitive, and skills with accurate support from all stakeholders.